Surface Pattern Design Kocho Design Studio

Surface Pattern Design

Surface Pattern Design

This field pertains to the design of patterns and illustrations that can be applied to various surfaces or materials:

  • Household items
  • Digital surfaces like phone wallpapers
  • Device cases like iPad cases
  • Wallpapers
  • Packaging
  • Fabric
  • Furniture
  • Stationery, and much more

Is this the missing piece for your brand’s success?

Absolutely. Over time, patterns and illustrations can become highly recognizable signature elements.

Great examples can be found in the fashion world, such as Burberry, in products like PUKKA Tea, or digital companies like MailChimp, Slack, and Duolingo.

Advantages at a glance

  • Customers can easily build an emotional connection to the product.
  • They can better distinguish your brand from others.
  • The brand story can be told in a more creative way.
  • The application has no limits, yet your brand will always remain recognizable.
home decor

Examples from me showcasing how patterns look on various surfaces.

It’s actually not a bad idea at all!

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