giang lu kim

Hi! I am Giang Lu Kim.

As a designer, I am here to elevate your brand by combining your ideas with your personal taste in design and communication. Each product and service I create is tailored uniquely to you, driven by your personality and story, ensuring that your business stands out and cannot be easily replicated.

With my expertise in Asian studies, I offer valuable insights into the global business world, helping you avoid cultural pitfalls and succeed internationally.

As a former digital nomad, I can help you establish an efficient remote work structure, focusing on what truly matters for seamless operation.

Together with my core skills and the Kocho Community, I can help you organize your ideas and bring clarity to your plans, allowing you to focus solely on growth.

P.S.: Giang is pronounced ZAAANG.

What is it like working with you?

Working with me is like having a calm, laid-back partner in your corner, ready to tackle tasks with agility and creativity. It’s not just about getting the job done—it’s about having fun along the way and making sure you’re involved every step of the way.

I prioritize tasks based on what’s most important to you and organize everything seamlessly using a project management tool. This keeps us all on track and ensures smooth collaboration.

Whether you prefer to chat via WhatsApp, email, or any other tool, I’m here to make sure you feel comfortable and supported every step of the way. Because I believe that people work better when they’re comfortable with their chosen tools.

„Ihre Arbeit war sehr klar, schnell und kreativ, und sie schafften es, mich mit voller Potenzial und Energie durch alle Schritte des Prozesses zu führen. Durch detaillierte Ratschläge und regelmäßige Diskussionen während des Prozesses war ich vollständig in die Gestaltung meiner Website eingebunden.“

Katharina Reiss & @modelcoachkathy

And if clients are eager to learn more, I’m here to guide them every step of the way, patiently showing them how to navigate specific programs and master image editing. I’ll even teach them how to snap stunning photos themselves!

Ein älteres Pärchen am Laptop, das lernt mit Social Media umzugehen.

Riga, Lettland 2017:
I had the pleasure of working with a couple in their 50s, showing them how to set up their Facebook page and run ads right from their own home. It was a hands-on experience where I walked them through every step, ensuring they felt confident and empowered to take control of their online presence.

What is most important to you?

Openness and transparency. Flexibility in thinking. Diversity and inclusion (shaped by my friends from such diverse nations and LGBTQ+). Mental health and kindness.

What do you do when you’re not working?

I spend my days tending to my garden, experimenting with recipes from all corners of the globe, and diving into personal development and behavioral psychology. When I’m not doing that, you can find me immersed in my bullet journal or lost in a good book. I take breaks to enjoy a cup of Vietnamese coffee and indulge in board games, card games, or puzzles. And for some physical activity, I love hiking, practicing yoga and pilates, and occasionally playing tennis or swimming.

Did you study Design?

I’m completely self-taught. Although I had continuous art lessons until high school graduation, where I delved deeper into art theories and photography (thanks to my teachers).

In 2012, during my studies, I happened to meet a fellow student who was a programmer. Through him, I was introduced to the world of web design. Since then, alongside my main studies, I’ve been expanding my knowledge in web design (UI, UX), brand identity, and print media through real projects and courses. This allowed me to witness the entire evolution of web design and learn to adapt and continue learning quickly.

The advantage is that I’ve tried out all sorts of tools since then. And through real project management, I understand what startups and solo entrepreneurs truly need in the beginning.

How long have you been doing this?

I had my first project in 2013.

Are you a Digital Nomad?

Not anymore. I did that for eight years. Before university, I did a year of work and travel. And after university (2017), I moved abroad for a while.

I chose to remain in Germany for love, and now I reside in Thuringia with my life partner (truly at the heart of Germany :D). This central location allows me to reach the most significant destinations in Germany within just 3 hours.

But in my blog, I’ll gradually interview people from the digital nomad community to help those who would love to become a digital nomad one day. #realtalk”

If you’re interested in that lifestyle, you can start reading this one: “Digital Nomad Lifestyle: Passt er zu dir?”.

Why do you combine design and cultural studies?

I focused my studies on the Asian continent, delving into the ancient and modern history, politics, law, religion, economics, and society of each Asian country. I also studied selected Asian languages as part of my coursework.

During my time at the University of Bonn, I realized that many of our modern ideas and knowledge trace back to ancient cultures. We often adapt and reinterpret them in contemporary society. In particular, I observed how indigenous patterns have influenced various designs, especially in the fashion industry.

Read more about it here: “Was hat Design mit Kultur zu tun?”

Fun facts?
  • Love German potato dumplings (Klöße), potato salad and Pasteis de Nata.
  • Origami and baking feel like meditation to me.
  • I’m introverted and Optimist.
  • I can juggle (my mom taught me with mandarins).

What do you believe?

I believe it’s never too late to change and learn something new. Failures are part of life. But if you never even try, you’ll never know if it could have worked out.

At the end of life, you only regret one thing. Never taking the first step out of fear, doubt, and countless excuses.

So what do you think?

Regret or start the journey?